This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1) (format=latex 2003.10.23) 14 FEB 2006 10:20 **Geometria.tex (Geometria.tex LaTeX2e <2001/06/01> Babel and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, i talian, nohyphenation, loaded. 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(/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/graphics/dvips.def File: dvips.def 1999/02/16 v3.0i Driver-dependant file (DPC,SPQR) )) \Gin@req@height=\dimen106 \Gin@req@width=\dimen107 ) (Geometria.aux) \openout1 = `Geometria.aux'. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 28. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 28. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 28. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 28. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 28. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 28. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 28. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 28. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 28. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 28. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 28. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 28. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OT2/cmr/m/n on input line 28. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for OT2+cmr on input line 28. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/cyrillic/ot2cmr.fd File: ot2cmr.fd 2001/08/11 v3.2c Computer Modern Cyrillic font definitions ) LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 28. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for U+msa on input line 47. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/amsfonts/umsa.fd File: umsa.fd 2002/01/19 v2.2g AMS font definitions ) LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for U+msb on input line 47. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/amsfonts/umsb.fd File: umsb.fd 2002/01/19 v2.2g AMS font definitions ) File: ARCHIMEDE13.eps Graphic file (type eps) File: archimede10.eps Graphic file (type eps) Missing character: There is no ^^b0 in font cmr10! Missing character: There is no ^^b0 in font cmr10! Missing character: There is no ^^b0 in font cmr10! Missing character: There is no ^^b0 in font cmr10! Missing character: There is no ^^b0 in font cmr10! File: ARCHIMEDE18.eps Graphic file (type eps) [1 ] File: triangolo.eps Graphic file (type eps) Missing character: There is no ^^b0 in font cmr10! Missing character: There is no ^^b0 in font cmr10! Missing character: There is no ^^b0 in font cmr10! Missing character: There is no ^^b0 in font cmr10! Missing character: There is no ^^b0 in font cmr10! File: stella.eps Graphic file (type eps) [2] File: CIRCONFERENZE.eps Graphic file (type eps) [3] Overfull \hbox (25.63606pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 206--210 [] [] File: carrucola.eps Graphic file (type eps) [4] Missing character: There is no ^^b0 in font cmr10! Missing character: There is no ^^b0 in font cmr10! Missing character: There is no ^^b0 in font cmr10! Missing character: There is no ^^b0 in font cmr10! [5] (Geometria.aux) ) Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: 1150 strings out of 20880 13655 string characters out of 197305 64539 words of memory out of 350001 4118 multiletter control sequences out of 10000+15000 7186 words of font info for 28 fonts, out of 400000 for 1000 14 hyphenation exceptions out of 10000 25i,8n,24p,307b,398s stack positions out of 3000i,100n,1500p,50000b,4000s Output written on Geometria.dvi (5 pages, 13612 bytes).